

A 2020 alumna and record-setting golfer from Young Harris College has taken on a new challenge, 加入和平队,并在接下来的两年里前往肯尼亚.

年轻的哈里斯学院举办一年一度的秋季节日10月. 26

Fall is in the air at Young Harris College as the Enchanted Valley invites the community to attend Fall Fest Thursday, 10月. 下午5点至7点.m. The event is open to the public and promises to be a fun-filled experience for all ages.


Students representing Young Harris College presented at the 36th University of Virginia-Wise Medieval Renaissance Conference, 最近, speaking on a variety of research topics related to medieval and Renaissance periods.


Piseog是爱尔兰语,指的是一种信仰, 迷信——或者更糟——是一种诅咒, 爱尔兰人使用的. It’s also the name of a new art exhibit which opened last week at the Campus Gate Art Gallery on Young Harris College campus.


Young Harris College invites the community to attend upcoming Fine Arts events in 10月ober. 大多数活动将在YHC校园举行, 它位于杨哈里斯的一学院街.


The Cherry family inHayesville has donated its family property to Young Harris College – more than 10 acres, 包括农舍和谷仓, 据说是克莱县最古老的建筑.


At the helm of the finances of Young Harris College for nearly three decades, Chief Financial Officer Wade Benson will be retiring at the end of 9月ember.

Agreement provides pathway for Young Harris College students to physical therapy program

Young Harris College signs agreement for undergraduate students interested in becoming physical therapists with the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.


Nothing hammers home the importance of safety like hurling down the Nantahala River in an inflatable raft, but that was exactly the lesson students from Young Harris College had 最近.


Dr. 詹妮弗·施罗德, 是年轻哈里斯学院的生物学教授, was one of 18 faculty members across the state of Georgia selected as a Governor’s Teaching Fellow for the May 2023 symposium.


Young Harris College invites the community to attend upcoming Fine Arts events in 9月ember. 大多数活动将在YHC校园举行, 它位于杨哈里斯的一学院街.


Mixed-media art is about seeing art in things that many people might not – a faded photograph, 一段毛线,甚至是一个钱包. Making art from objects like this is something Dariana Dervis has been doing for close to 20 years.


Starting college can be a bit intimidating for new freshmen – learning about the new environment of the college and surrounding community. 来帮助过渡, Young Harris College hosts a number of activities during the first week of Fall Semester, 包括八月十日举行的社区资源展. 17.


If you are in the mood for some good music in 9月ember then plan to swing by Young Harris College Saturday, 9月. 16岁,参加一年一度的天井流行音乐会. 该活动免费向公众开放.


奖学金 are the lifeblood for any college student seeking higher education. 感谢青年哈里斯学院发展办公室的努力, 2023-2024年的学生状态良好. The College raised nearly $2 million in fund-raising efforts for Young Harris College throughout the year, 指定奖学金.


秋天预示着许多事情——季节的变化, 凉爽的温度, 秋季运动(有), 大学橄榄球),这也标志着开学的时间. 这在大学水平上没有什么不同, 学生们前往魔法谷和年轻的哈里斯学院校园. Fall athletes and student leaders were able to move in first earlier last week, 随后是周四搬进来的一年级学生, 8月. 在八月开学前熟悉校园. 14. 高年级学生在8月8日的周末搬进来. 13.

Tracy Dumakor and Jonathan Everett Study Abroad at Konkuk University in South Korea

Young Harris College’s rising seniors Tracy Dumakor and Jonathan Everett 最近 returned to the Enchanted Valley after a semester abroad at Konkuk University in South Korea.The study abroad program at Young Harris College gives students the opportunity to engage in international experiences that deepen their understanding of other cultures, 语言, 和人民. That is exactly what Dumakor and Everett were looking for and found on during their trip to South Korea.

Young Harris College Faculty Attend ACA Teaching and 领导 Institute

年轻的哈里斯学院教员. Ben Van Dyke和Dr. Matthew Byron attended this year’s Appalachian College Association (ACA) hosts Teaching and 领导 Institute. The Institute is an opportunity for instructors to share student-centered learning theories, 集成学习, 循证教学实践. 作为ACA的一员, Young Harris College shares a commitment to support students through exceptional teaching and learning opportunities. 为了这些目的, YHC员工和教师参加教学和学习研究所, 一个密集的, 由ACA机构专家主持的为期一周的工作坊.

Jersey of Young Harris College’s Mackenzie Johnson on Ring of Honor at Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame

Young athletes often dream of recognition for their contributions to the game at the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame. For Young Harris women’s basketball standout Mackenzie Johnson, that dream has come true. Johnson’s jersey will be displayed in the Ring of Honor display at the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame in Knoxville, 田纳西州.这是为了表彰她在2022-2023赛季的出色表现. “The Ring of Honor is an exhibit at the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame where we honor the nation’s top players at every level,凯利·马西斯说, 女子篮球名人堂发展主任. “To have your jersey on display at the Hall of Fame is a huge privilege and we are proud to celebrate the accomplishments of these young women.”

Jacob Perry Studies in Cambridge, England, Thanks to McCollough Scholarship

年轻的哈里斯学院学生雅各布·佩里, 2023级教学硕士, 在卫斯理学院待了六个星期, 英国剑桥大学卫理公会学院, 感谢麦科洛奖学金. 每年, 这个竞争激烈, internal scholarship allows a dedicated YHC student to learn within a reflective, cross-cultural Christian community of scholarship and prayer in the Wesleyan tradition. “我无法表达我对YHC最深切的感谢, 资助我在卫斯理学院学习的麦科洛家族, 感谢我的父母杰森和坦雅给我这个机会,雅各布说。. “The experience will indubitably set me up for my next degree at Duke Divinity School as well as afterwards in my vocation to help usher in God’s kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.”